"We have used the Math GPS Readiness Focus Kit for Algebra I for several years now. We are truly excited to get the geometry edition. We love the activities."
Margarita R Barron
Mathematics Specialist K-12 – Brownsville ISD
"Math GPS was a game changer in my classroom! I absolutely LOVE it! I purchased the 4th Grade kit last year and plan to get the workbooks soon! Because of Math GPS I had 95% pass rate on the STAAR this year!"
Kendall Thompson
"Our teachers love using the Math GPS products. The products provide them with rigorous, targeted and open-ended questions that promote students’ utilization of their critical thinking and mathematical processes. Definitely an indispensable resource!"
Roehl Velasquez
Math Instructional Officer - Carrizo Springs CISD
"Math GPS workbooks are amazing! Problems are carefully written and are open-ended allowing and encouraging students to think deeply before answering, instead of just guessing as multiple-choice questions allow. Problems spiral throughout which require the students to retain what they have learned. TEKS readiness kits have valuable activities that strengthen the students’ understanding and prepare them for their STAAR test. In addition to Math GPS products, Laura Wilson has provided my campus with excellent staff development!
After 41 years in math education, I am confident in my recommendation to others to use Math GPS products!"
Tina Wheeler
Kenedy County Wide Common School District
“Math GPS is an excellent product. I use it every year – both the workbooks and the kits! I feel the recursive review and engaging activities greatly benefit my students. I would recommend these products to everyone.”
Dorie Ortiz-Costilla
Carrizo Springs CISD
“When I was a classroom teacher I LOVEDDD Math GPS. Now that I am an instructional coach, it is the go-to product I suggest for purchase at my campuses. I have seen the success of this product – it truly helps students.”
Brittaney Holmes
Houston ISD
"I was so excited to find out I won a class set of the Math GPS student workbooks. I have used this wonderful resource for years and absolutely love it! It is fantastic for spiral and review and increasing the rigor of the skills throughout the year. Thank you for such a generous gift!"
Susan Mertz
Boerne ISD - Herff Elementary
“I was at a Title I school, and we saw a great improvement in test scores for our students. The workbooks provide great cyclical problem-solving.”
Taylor Chrestman
Lubbock ISD
“Love Math GPS. I used it on a daily basis, loved the multiple representations of content. Loved the problems – it was a great recursive review for my Algebra I class!”
Anu Henderson
NISD - San Antonio
"Having hands-on activities and targeted follow-up questions for all of the readiness TEKS is an incredibly valuable resource! Thank you Math GPS!"
Bradly Kurz
Houston ISD - Navarro MS - 7th Grade Math
“We love the rigor of Math GPS. It is fun, effective, and truly challenges our students.”
Robin McAdams & Breanna Lary
Chapel Hill ISD
"I have used the Math GPS resource since it first was developed. When I first reviewed the material at CAMT, I knew that it was something that I wanted to use. The TEKS had just been changed and we were just learning how important the Readiness TEKS were for the STAAR test. We started with the workbooks, and later the Readiness Kits were developed. When our district bought the workbooks our teachers were very pleased in using them. The open response problem-solving really got our kids ready for the test. When the kits were developed, we were really pleased with the activities and especially the different representations of the problems. Working with the activity and then having the 10 problems with the different representations, is our Countdown to STAAR plan. The teachers use them faithfully. Totally recommend them!!"
Margaret Barron, High School Math Specialist
Brownsville ISD
"We LOVE Math GPS! The readiness kits are awesome and super easy to use!"
Terra White
West Sabine ISD - Sabine, TX
“I love Math GPS! The activity focus kits are amazing. Great hands-on approach! The workbooks are a tremendous spiral review.”
Meagon Wilson
Bowie ISD
“Math GPS kit games are EASY to create and use. The students love them. I also love the assessment questions in the kits and using them.”
Tina Westmoreland
Quinlan ISD
“I love how the Math GPS workbooks spiral and break apart learning concepts.”
Susan Soliz
Olton ISD
“The readiness kits are awesome. They are engaging with deep thinking.”
Kenzie Bixler
Rusk ISD - Rusk, TX
You are awesome! Worth the time and great info/resources! I had an Ah-ha moment about spiral review and previewing TEKS not yet taught. We do that and so you reinforced that. :)
Staff Development Participant
Loved it all! Wish you could come to our school and train admin + teachers.
Staff Development Participant
Enjoyed the learning. The focus on vocabulary and readiness TEKS was very intentional and really gave one a plan to implement. Thank you so much!
Staff Development Participant
I really enjoyed the ideas and suggestions that were made. I really think this will help me change my teaching and be more intentional on how I plan and teach my students. Thank you! Everything was perfect! :)
Staff Development Participant
Best Take-Aways: * Reminder to do effective vocab instruction * Word Probs daily * Map for students
Staff Development Participant
Oh my goodness! You bring so much experience & knowledge into your presentation. I loved your vocabulary/math lessons built into read-alouds. The "map" ideas for parents is super helpful. thank you for the grade level TEKS-specific posters. You are great!
Kim Duncan
I love the Focus on the Rad! You make Math seem easy :). I LOVED IT!
Staff Development Participant