Thank you for nominating excellent educators to win free support materials. We will keep you up to date with MathGPS events, and we will NEVER share your email address.
Congratulations, Alicia Gray!
4th – 6th Grade Math Teacher – Dawson Elementary School
Alicia is receiving $600 in FREE Math GPS products today!
“She is not just a wonderful math teacher, she is the best example of a good human. She goes above and beyond for every student to meet their needs. She comes in before school to help her students and stays after as well. She has them in her room during her lunch and conference times if needed too! She has the biggest heart, making sure they can learn.”
COVID-19: Temporary Permission to Copy HAS ENDED
Permission to use Math GPS materials to complete the 2019-20 school year In digital format and production of work packets has now ended. Please take steps to ensure original copyright parameters will be followed beginning June 4, 2020.
Delivering Better
Math Understanding
to Texas Students
Math GPS is an educational company founded to produce products supporting teachers and learners traveling the road to math success.
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